Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Maple Valley, Coffee, and Contemplation

Today, I sit in a local coffee shop in my hometown of Maple Valley and I'm amazed at how small this world really is. As I went up to the counter to order I was asked if I was a Hopkins. A little skeptical, I answered yes hoping not to regret my decision but assuming the barista must have gone to high school with my sister. Fortunately I was correct, which led to a conversation between her and I and the recent travels of my sister.

To preface this story, my sister Alisha is currently in Nepal for a year, fulfilling her dream of one day living and working there. What an inspiration to me :) I hope to one day have half the courage that she does.

Anyway as we continue to talk about missions, my chosen major/reason for studying during summer break comes up. I explain to her that I'm taking incredible missions classes at NU and the conversation takes a turn. She went on to speak of her deep love for other cultures and children as well. We talked about the fact that once you go somewhere overseas, you will literally change your whole outlook on life and opinions about  missions. All it takes is one trip. Another thought that crosses my mind during this conversation is this: I never want to look back on my life and know that I was not doing what God had originally intended for me. Now I'm not saying that this was the case for this young lady by any means, but what I am saying is how easy it could be for some people to let "life" get in the way of their true calling. Ironic as it is, right now the only thing between me and leaving this land of wealth  is loans....and the rest of my education. However I know the only way I can be sure that I truly live out this plan is if I devote the rest of my time here to just that. I cannot let the distractions and desires of my current comfortable setting to lead me astray from what I know I desperately desire to accomplish, and that ultimately is what He has in mind.

Only 3 and 1/4 more papers then my summer really begins!

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