Saturday, June 4, 2011

June 4th, 2011

I don't know how to write these lousy blogs...I'm not clever, but whatever, here goes.

So this is my first posting and at this very moment I realize that in exactly one month today, I will be on a plane for my trip to Indonesia....holy smokes. Do you know how this feels? It's hard to explain. It's like I can try to imagine how incredible it will be and I fantasize about my time there, but then I jump back into reality and remember that I have never been there and I can't possibly fathom what is to come, and that my friends, is a very cool feeling. 

Here is a little preface to this blog, my life, my experience, my world, and why I am even spending time at 11:21pm to write this blog. In 2006 at a summer camp, I felt the Lord impressing upon my heart to be a missionary. I didn't know where, or how, or even why, but what I did know was that I was going to do whatever He wanted. So four missions trips, a passport mishap, an undeniable love for children, and 8000 dollars later, here I am, finally going to where I believe, I have been called. 

What's cool about this trip is that I get to work with the coolest family ever! Their names are John and Korie    Taylor and their two sweet daughters. I met Korie on a whim one day, while she was in the states. We met and just talked about life, my desires, and questions I had. Who would have thought that a little over a year later, I would be planning such an extravagant trip to go and work with her and her family in Indonesia....well I did. Since then we've been planning dates, costs, events, tickets, the requirements for internship class, what to wear, what to expect, you name it, we've covered it. And now, I have a ticket, a passport and not even enough money to get me half way there, but if there is one thing I know that God has never failed me in or let me forget, is that HE WILL ALWAYS PROVIDE : ) Glory. 

I would like to pause and say, if you received a support letter from me and have been praying or sent me money, thank you so much. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for trusting me. And thank you for trusting God. He has His plan in mind, and I am simply His instrument. That doesn't even justify how grateful I truly am because I would not even be going if it weren't for your prayers and support. 

Honestly I don't know how I will feel, I'm not scared though. I just know that God wouldn't bring me to this place unless He thought I was ready.

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